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8 months pregnant and so ready to meet my baby! |
The long road of pregnancy...
- 9 months of waiting!
- There was so much excitement but also discomfort, tiredness, nausea, terrible night sleeps... 100% worth it to have Rose in our lives though!
One Month Old
- Having everyone meet Rose.
- Nursing constantly.
- Adjusting to life with our little girl.
- Soaking in the newborn cuddles.
Sometimes she would cry and cry and the only way we could calm her down would be to wear here in the carrier all snuggled into us. I remember accidentally falling asleep while lying on my back with her wrapped on my chest - I was so exhausted. We were so enamored with her, though, and so excited to be parents. Also, the cuddles of sleeping Rose were to die for.
Two Months Old
- She would open her eyes super wide in such a funny way.
- She seemed so bright and alert from the beginning! She seemed to have such a curious personality from day one.
- Loved being held and cuddled
- Getting more interactive, which I loved.
- Her baptism was this month and we also moved... - a little hectic and overwhelming at times but I also remember that I was always excited to get up every morning and live life with my new baby.
Three Months Old
- Obsessed with ceiling fans. She would just get transfixed.
- Still hated road trips and would just ball, also didn't like her car seat. It gets better Alicia! It was soon after this that she started being great on drives (we've made many roadtrips and to this day she's super good in the car!)
Four Months Old
- I remember in this short span of time I loved going into Calgary to get out of the house and run errands with Rose. She would be so good in the stroller as I browsed through Chapters forever.
- Highlight of four-month-old Rose - her blowing bubbles. So cute.
Five Months Old
- I think five and six months were two of my favourite months! Rose was in this phase where she was seriously the easiest and most content baby ever.
- So happy to lie on her back for so long just looking at and reaching for the dangling toys.
- So smiley and so much more interactive as well.
Six Months Old
- Started solids - I don't know why this stressed me out so much! Okay it still does sometimes. Trying not to overthink it so much...
- This month she was spitting almost all the food out anyway haha.
- Rolling around the room and obsessed with bouncing in the jolly jumper.
- My love for this happy baby was growing every day and at this point I'm at borderline obsession (jk I hit that long ago).
Seven Months Old
- Giving so many kisses which was ah-maz-ing.
- We had a week long sick spell (both her and me) which was brutal. We survived though!
- She would get extremely excited about sips of water, mostly only liked eating zucchini, and separation anxiety kicked in this month!
Eight Months Old
- The month of clapping and giant smiles!
- Lots of adorable baby talk.
- The beginning of army crawling. I had to purchase three baby gates.
- Super cuddly and would go to sleep with her head on my shoulder while I sang to her, and would give me so many of her sweet gentle kisses.
- Screams every time I put on her jacket. Ideal baby for winter in Canada ;)
Nine Months Old
- Rose starts crawling and life gets crazy! Just kidding - life just gets full of stepping over baby gates.
Ten Months Old
- There will probably never be a book on a bottom shelf again. At least that is what I feel like. Oh well! Rose owns the bottom two feet of the house I guess!
- Furniture walking and pulling herself up on everything, huge grins, more adventures.
- Raises her arms in the air when she stands without holding onto anything so the people around her will say "yay!"
- She got super into looking through her books and entertains herself for so long just flipping through the pages.
Eleven Months Old
- This kid is no longer a fan of lying on her back - not for pictures, not for diaper changes... "Let me move Mom! I don't need my diaper changed!"
- Even though a lot of the chub is gone, I am so glad the leg rolls haven't disappeared yet. Those chubby legs are the best.
Twelve Months Old
- Loves being outside.
- Saying mummy and dada lots, sometimes says baby (or daydee, or some other version that resembles the word) when she sees a baby, and says "Ba!" for boo.
- Shakes her head before doing something she knows I don't want her to do, like throw things off the balcony or rip the lining off my chair...
- Loves Mom and Dad so much!
- Raises her eyebrows a mile high when she sees something she thinks is cool (and goes hoooe! hoooe! in a low voice), has the most extreme grin where her entire face scrunches up, is just so expressive.
- Furniture walking but no steps on her own yet!
I also had a lot of fun with these pictures! I don't think there have ever been so many facts written about a baby... kind of overkill hahaha. Actually, I think it might be a first baby thing because my baby book is stuffed full of random facts about me as a baby, and I think it peeters off a bit with the later kids... I think it will be neat to look back on though and I guess I can see how my kids differ!
I think Rose's face sums up how we feel about taking these pictures... 12 is enough hahaha. But again, I think it'll be cool to look back on! It's crazy how quickly I forget these little details and when certain things happened!
Other Rose posts:
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