Tuesday, September 5, 2017

Our Little Family

I am IN LOVE with the family photos we just had taken. Rose was so full of joy to be outside (her very favourite place to be), and I know these photos will always be so special to me - I think you can really see the love between us all.

I was staring at one of the photos and the thought came to me, "I am going to look back fondly on this time in my life."

I doubt I'll even remember the days where I'm super tired with no motivation and just have to get through the day, or the days I feel down, or the days I feel frazzled. I bet I will think back and remember the peace in our little family, the way we adore Rose, the evenings laying on the floor playing with her and laughing at the funny things she does, cuddling her to sleep, talking with Matt. This summer was such a fun and special time for us and I am so grateful for all the time we got to spend together.

Ah, I love her curls.

Photography: Monica Anne Photography
My dress: Shimmer and Glow
Rose's bow: Dear Freya